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     This project was made as a final project for HIS 460 - History of Rock and Roll, taught by Dr. Christy Snider at Berry College. The project aims to document and analyze the history of several, prominent examples of rock and roll bootleg albums, and their impacts. Garry Freeman and Heylin Clinton's texts on rock bootleg history served as a jumping off point for choosing notable albums to highlight. Albums and artists were chosen due to their impact on the music industry as a whole, their relevance to the development of rock bootlegs, and/or their own unique history.

Bootlegging is a tale as old as time: as long as people have wanted something, they've wanted more. And where there's a will, there's a way. In the mid-20th Century, the market for illegally distributed products grew alongside the demand for their legitimately produced counterparts. Click on the Timeline tab to learn more about the most popular examples of bootlegged albums from the rock era of the 1960s and beyond.

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